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Services to businesses
The Ministry of the Economy offers a range of services and aids to businesses:
Procedures for businesses
- Application for, or modification of, a business permit
- Application for a duplicate business permit
- Cessation of activity by a trader
- Occasional and temporary provision and notification of services in Luxembourg
- Short-time working from 1 July 2021 (application and statement)
- Notice of dismissal for reasons not directly related to the employee's person
- Job protection plan
- 'Green Business Events' logo
- "EureWelcome" quality label
Financial aids for businesses
- Support for first-time business start-ups
- Aid for young businesses
- Investment aid
- Aid for miscellaneous investments
- Aid for consultancy services for SMEs
- Aid for the participation in a trade fair
- Aid schemes granted to remedy the damages caused by natural disasters
- SME Packages - Sustainability
- SME Packages - Service
- SME Packages - Digital
- Starter Kit RSE
- Fit 4 Start - Acceleration programme
- Fit 4 Digital programme
- Fit 4 Innovation programme
- Fit 4 Sustainability programme
- Temporary environmental impact aid scheme
- Aid for technical feasibility studies
- Financial aid for research and development projects (R&D)
- Aid for process and organisational innovation
- Financial aid for SME innovation
- Financial aid for young innovative enterprises
- Financial aid for innovation clusters
- Regional aid – Dudelange, Bettembourg, Wiltz, Winseler et Kiischpelt
- Investment aid for research infrastructures
Financial aid for energy
- Investment aid for the protection of the environment
- Zero-emission vehicles
- Call for projects - Hydrogen
- Aid scheme within the context of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme for the period 2021-2030
- Temporary aid to limit the vehicle charging price on publicly accessible electric charging stations
- Production of electricity from renewable energy sources
- Financial aid scheme to support investment in electric-vehicle charging infrastructure – General terms and conditions
- Financial aid for investment in charging infrastructure further to a call for projects
- Aid for SMEs for investment in charging infrastructure
Financial aid for tourism
- Application for a subsidy for a tourism project
- Application for an annual subsidy (tourist information offices and non-profit organisations promoting tourism)
- Maintenance of walking trails: statement of annual expenses (tourist information offices)
- Maintenance of walking and mountain bike trails: acquisition of equipment (communes and tourist information offices)
- Subsidies to organise congress tourism
- Aid for the development of the national tourism infrastructure