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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is one of the Ministry of the Economy's responsibilities. The Ministry thus positions itself as a promoter of sustainability in its relationships with companies. Important work has been done in parallel within the Ministry of the Economy, which, itself has held the INDR's CSR label since 2015.
The Ministry of the Economy is therefore active on several levels with regard to CSR. Below is an overview of the main activities to promote and encourage the implementation of CSR in businesses:
Legislative level
On a legislative level, the Ministry of the Economy:
- puts the legislative and regulatory framework in place to facilitate the evolution to a sustainable economy
- is in charge of implementing Luxembourg's Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for the period 2021-2030, alongside the Ministry of the Environment
Strategies, roadmaps and guides
The Ministry draws up a series of strategies, roadmaps and guides in relation to CSR, including:
- Luxembourg's circular economy strategy "Stratégie pour une économie circulaire Luxembourg",
- the strategies for achieving the digital and sustainable double transition (cf. "Ons Wirtschaft vu muer - Feuille de route pour une économie compétitive et durable d'ici 2025") (Roadmap for a competitive and sustainable economy 2025),
- The "Stratégie hydrogène pour le Luxembourg" (Hydrogen strategy for Luxembourg),
- a course of action and specifications for implementing the sustainable and flexible development of economic activity zones, in cooperation with the Ministry for Spatial Planning,
- a roadmap for low-carbon construction in Luxembourg "Feuille de route construction bas carbone Luxembourg"
- the guide to sustainable construction and renovation "Guide de la construction et de la rénovation durables"
The ministry supports several projects such as:
- The Product Circularity Data Sheet Initiative (PCDS), which makes it possible for anyone to access detailed information on the circularity of materials and products
- pilot projects on sustainable construction (e.g.: the Luxembourg Pavilion at the World Expo in Osaka in 2025, the school campus Wiltz, the car park and incubator on the Automobility Campus in Bissen, etc.)
- a policy for densification and energy optimisation in economic activity zones
- Initiative in the field of deconstruction of buildings and the reuse of construction resources
- "Green Business Events" certification
- The solar cadastre for Luxembourg
- the implementation of a public charging station infrastructure "Chargy/SuperChargy"
See also our "cleantech" section.
Economic Interest Groups (Groupements d'intérêts économiques - GIEs)
The Ministry of the Economy is the founding member of several economic interest groups associated with CSR, including:
- Neobuild GIE, the technological innovation hub for the sustainable construction sector
- Terra Matters GIE, which supports companies in their green transition through an innovative traceability solution inspired by the PCDS
- Klima-Agence, the national structure for promoting a sustainable energy transition
The National Point of Contact for responsible business conduct (PCNLux)
The Ministry of the Economy operates the National Point of Contact for responsible business conduct (PCNLux), which is responsible for bringing the OECD's guiding principles for responsible business conduct to the attention of multinational businesses (Guiding principles). It organises regular events for companies such as seminars, conferences and workshops intended to raise awareness of responsible business conduct.
Financial aid
The Ministry of the Economy has developed a range of financial aid measures linked to CSR such as:
- the "Pakt Pro-Artisanat 2023", which aims to encourage SMEs to commit to developing their business with a greater focus on sustainability
- the SME-Package "RSE Starter kit"
- The "Klimapakt fir Betriber" to support decarbonisation and the energy transition for businesses
- Klimabonus aids, financial aid for bioenergy etc.
- financial aid to encourage the implementation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure within businesses
- financial aid to encourage the implementation of photovoltaic (solar) panels in businesses
- A call for projects to create shared equipment spaces, with a view to developing circular business models, for a "Sharing economy"
- A call for projects to implement a hydrogen value chain
You will find all of the Ministry's aid schemes in the "services" section.
Furthermore, the Ministry of the Economy offers facilities to accommodate companies in the ecotechnology sector (e.g.: Parc Luxite in Kockelscheuer, a business incubator within the "Automobility Campus" in Bissen, etc.)
Finally, it supports the key actors in CSR such as the INDR, the IMS or the House of Sustainability.
More information
This is only a selection of the ministry's projects and initiatives regarding CSR. For more detailed information on all of the measures, please see the Ministry of the Economy's activity report.