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Logistics/Supply Chain 4.0
Logistics and supply chain management are one of the pillars of the government's economic diversification policy intended to create growth and jobs.
The strategy for this sector rests on three pillars:
- First of all, it involves positioning Luxembourg as an innovative, intercontinental and multimodal logistics platform within Europe in the field of logistics with significant added value (e.g. pharmaceutical logistics)
- Secondly, a policy of multi-product specialisation has been initiated within the sector by looking to identify different product categories with specific storage and/or transport needs, and enabling, where possible, synergies to be developed with other target economic sectors
- Finally, the objective is to help companies with the green transition and the integration of new technologies.
Within this context,the missions of the Supply Chain 4.0 unit within the Ministry of the Economy's "Industry, Research and New Technologies" General Directorate (Direction Générale "Industrie, recherche et nouvelles technologies") are, specifically, to help improve the Luxembourg business framework within the sector, to promote the sector and to support businesses wishing to implement a logistics/supply chain project in Luxembourg.
Logistics Hubs
Luxembourg has around twenty national and regional economic activity zones. Some of these activity zones such as the Eurohub Sud site have been purposefully developed into logistics hubs by the Ministry of the Economy to facilitate the establishment of new activities.
Furthermore, the Ministry of the Economy actively encourages the logistics companies based in its national economic activity zones to put solar panels on their warehouse roofs, thus supporting the energy transition.
Support measures
The ministry is not the only preferred contact for companies wishing to carry out a logistics project in Luxembourg, but it is also launching several financial support measures for businesses, especially with regard to innovation, digitalisation and decarbonisation.
You can also read the "Financial Support" page on
There, you will find all of the aid offered by the Ministry of the Economy, within the "services to businesses" section, as well as on the page
Single Window for Logistics
The website provides a unique gateway to all of the information on logistics in Luxembourg: the country's advantages, how to launch your activity, financial support, procedures, contacts, etc.