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The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for:
The general economic policy, competitiveness, growth and the internal market
The Ministry of the Economy conducts statistical analyses and medium and long-term prospects and ensures coordination with institutions such as the OECD, the EU and STATEC. It also collaborates with the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement with a view to strengthening national competitiveness and productivity.
The general business policy, including small and medium-sized enterprises
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are an essential driver for economic growth and employment in Luxembourg, they represent over 36,000 enterprises and employ over 210,000 people. The Ministry of the Economy aims to be a preferred contact of SMEs. It works to guarantee a transparent and equitable economic environment, by being active in key areas such as the right of establishment and financial aid and support for businesses, and promoting a policy that is beneficial to SMEs. Within this context, there is a particular focus on simplifying administrative processes, adhering to the Think Small First principle and through the introduction of the Once Only principle.
The Ministry of the Economy is also responsible for coordinating the policy of attraction, retention and development of talent.
It promotes Corporate Social Responsibility within companies and is the national point of contact for the OECD for responsible business conduct in Luxembourg.
Finally, it is tasked with coordinating the Economic Committee (Comité de conjoncture), managed jointly with the Ministry of Labour.
The energy policy
The Ministry of the Economy steers the national energy policy, including the security of supply and the promotion of renewable energies, energy efficiency and electromobility.
It supports the transition to a circular and sustainable economy, manages energy-related funding schemes and develops intelligent and resource-efficient infrastructures.
It also conducts awareness-raising campaigns and provides training and advice to individuals, businesses and municipalities to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
The general tourism policy
The Ministry of the Economy develops and coordinates the general tourism policy for leisure and corporate events. It promotes national and international tourism, supports the digitalisation of the sector, develops infrastructure for active tourism (walking paths, cycle paths, mountain biking trails) and approves State financial aid within the field of tourism. It also manages the classification of tourist accommodation and the setting up of labels and logos.
Economic development and diversification
The Ministry of the Economy steers the economic development and diversification policy, by supporting strategic sectors such as cleantech, logistics, space, health technologies, automobility and ICT. It promotes a start-up ecosystem, manages HPC infrastructures and coordinates State support for investment, innovation and sustainability. It plans and manages economic activity zones, in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing, and acts to promote regional economic development, in particular through the ERDF.
The development of new markets, quality and regulations
The Ministry of the Economy supervises the development of new markets, quality and regulations. It coordinates the EU Internal Market policy, manages SOLVIT, and encompasses fields such as e-commerce, cybersecurity (via Incert, CIRCL and the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity), as well as accreditation and standardisation (via the ILNAS and the OLAS). It monitors competition, digital trust and the market for non-food products, all while supporting consumer mediation services.
The innovation policy and the digital transformation of companies
The Ministry of the Economy plays a key role in the development and coordination of national policies on artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and the digital economy, in collaboration with several other ministries. It supervises private research and innovation, technology transfer, support for start-ups, public private partnerships in Research, Development and Innovation, as well as international initiatives such as EUREKA. In partnership with Luxinnovation, it supports innovation hubs, competence centres and strategic projects such as IPCEIs (Important Project of Common European Interest), while also overseeing or co-managing actors such as Luxprovide, Digital Tech Fund and Terra Matters GIE.
As a result of its ambition to become a major actor in artificial and digital intelligence in Europe, Luxembourg will soon welcome a supercomputer optimised for AI, called Meluxina-AI and will set up an associated AI Factory.
The general policy in terms of intellectual property
The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for the general policy on intellectual property, covering patents, trademarks, copyright and others. It draws up legislation, coordinates national and international initiatives, and conducts promotional and awareness-raising campaigns. It also supervises the Institute for Intellectual Property Luxembourg (IPIL, Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle Luxembourg) and collaborates with organisations such as the EU EUIPO, the EPO and the WIPO.
The space policy and strategy
The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for the space policy and strategy, including legislation, the authorisation of space activities and private research within the field of space technology and science. It coordinates relationships with the European Space Agency, manages space regulations and supervises initiatives such as, the Luxembourg Space Agency and the Space Fund.
Maritime Affairs
The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for maritime affairs, legislation on maritime navigation and recreational boating. It also supervises the Luxembourg Maritime Administration (Commissariat aux affaires maritimes).
Economic security
The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for economic security, for screening foreign investments and raising Luxembourg businesses' awareness of risk management. It coordinates the Interministerial Committee on economic security (Comité interministériel sur la sécurité économique).
Promoting Luxembourg's brand image
Operating from within the Ministry of the Economy, the Brand Image Promotion Unit's mission is to "inspire, coordinate the stakeholders and promote Luxembourg's brand image abroad."
As the promotion facilitator, it coordinates the brand-image promotion committee, made up of around 20 ministries and institutions, such as Luxinnovation, Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) and Luxembourg for Tourism (LFT), KulturLX, the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Luxembourg or the Maison du Grand-Duc.
Under the initiative named "LuXembourg – Let's make it happen", it supports large-scale international promotional campaigns and develops a series of synergies with stakeholders involved in the promotion of Luxembourg.