
The main goal of the "Industrial Development" unit of the Ministry of the Economy's General Directorate for Industry, New Technologies and Research, is to encourage and support industrial enterprises in their digital transformation, the decarbonisation and circularity in order to maintain the competitiveness and to increase the productivity of companies in the Luxembourg manufacturing sector, as well as supporting new players on the territory.


The government is in the process of developing an "industry of the future" strategy, based on the sustainable and digital transition to guarantee the Luxembourg manufacturing industry remains highly competitive at an international level.

The vision is to reduce Luxembourg's manufacturing industry's CO2 emissions by 2025 and thus to help achieve the national goal of net zero emissions.

The strategy is aimed at increasingly-automated, data-driven manufacturing within the Grand Duchy, creating high-quality products that meet increasingly demanding needs.

The government has established an ecosystem that is conducive to this digitalisation: Sovereign Cloud, the super computer MeluXina, the quantum computer Meluxina-Q, the Luxembourg National Data Service, Gaia-X, AI strategy, open data strategy, etc.

High Committee for Industry (HCI)

The Ministry of the Economy organises and coordinates the work of the HCI, the High Committee for the support, development and promotion of Industry in Luxembourg, with a view to improving the business environment for manufacturing enterprises.

Set up in 2013 to direct and coordinate government choices and actions affecting the industrial sector in Luxembourg, the HCI facilitates discussions between representatives of Luxembourg's Industrial sector and the relevant ministers. In principle, it meets between one and two times a year.

Its objectives are to preserve the achievements and the fabric of the existing industry and to help to create an environment that is conducive to implementing new industrial activities, by bringing together the public actors concerned along with representatives of Luxembourg industry.


In Luxembourg there are several types of financial aid for industrial enterprises, in particular those involved in research and innovation within the field of environmental protection and energy efficiency.

You will find details of the different types of aid offered by the Ministry of the Economy in the "business services" section or on the website, which lists all of the measures available to support enterprises in their decarbonisation and energy-transition efforts.

Furthermore, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry of the Economy has implemented  tax relief on investments into digital transformation projects and tax relief on investments into ecological and energy transition projects.

Finally, initiated by the Ministry of the Economy and managed by Luxinnovation, the Digital Innovation Hub for industry 4.0 offers a range of services to industries with the aim of contributing to the digital transformation of Luxembourg's industry : networking, training, advice, support to find investments etc.