Information technologies

The Ministry of the Economy's General Directorate for Industry, New Technologies and Research (Direction générale Industrie, nouvelles technologies et recherche) has a "digital technologies" unit and also a "cybersecurity" unit.

The ministry deals in particular with the following elements: 

  • cybersecurity
  • electronic commerce
  • new technologies.


Information security, also known as cybersecurity, forms an integral part of the work of the Ministry of the Economy's General Directorate for Industry, New Technologies and Research (GD INTER).

Cybersecurity has developed and grown, over the course of the digital era, to become a key economic pillar and an essential driver of confidence for digital companies and citizens.

Cybersecurity is an important factor in enhancing the country's economic attractiveness, playing a collaborative and inclusive role in ensuring that information and data systems can at all times provide a high level of confidentiality, availability and integrity.

The Ministry of the Economy is tasked with ensuring the development of capabilities and skills in the private sector and at the level of municipalities. Embedding security within small entities requires further research with a view to democratising access to services and products that people can trust.

Accordingly, the Ministry is encouraging, amongst other things, the creation of innovative tools, solutions and services via the financing programme LU-CID (Cybersecurity Innovation and Development).

National cybersecurity strategy

The ministry contributes to the development of the National Cybersecurity Strategy. The most recent iteration of this strategy covers the period 2021-2025, and is principally concerned with: 

  • building trust in the digital world and protection of human rights online; 
  • strengthening the security and resilience of digital infrastructures; 
  • developing a reliable, sustainable and secure digital economy.

A national cybersecurity ecosystem

Luxembourg possesses a dedicated, dynamic and well-developed ecosystem of cyber resilience, supported by the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC).  

LHC is continually striving to enhance the skills and capabilities of all actors involved in the ecosystem, by fostering innovation and collaboration at the national and European level.


As regards e-commerce, the government's aim is to create a modern, pragmatic environment in which the stakeholders involved in electronic commerce and trust service providers can develop in a favourable context.

The Ministry of the Economy monitors legislative developments in respect of:

  • electronic commerce;
  • electronic signature;
  • electronic archiving (providers of dematerialisation and digital preservation services).


The Ministry of the Economy plays a key role in the promotion and development of new technologies. It participates in various major strategies and projects designed to make our country a leader in the data economy field.  

The General Directorate for Industry, New Technologies and Research promotes, amongst other things, the establishment of infrastructures such as the MeluXina supercomputer and the MeluXina-Q quantum computer needed for the development of IA and innovative start-ups.

Data strategy

The formulation of the strategy is a collaborative effort involving the Ministry for Digitalisation, the Ministry of State (SMC), the Ministry of Research and Higher Education and the Ministry of the Economy.

That strategy delineates the national approach aimed at stimulating the valorisation of data and algorithms.

It covers a variety of different subjects, such as the strengthening of sovereign infrastructures and trust services, training, attracting and retaining talent, innovation, etc., and promotes cooperation at the national and international level.


Gaia-X is a European initiative (AISBL) aimed at creating a secure, transparent and interoperable data infrastructure in which data can be made available and exchanged within a framework of trust. Gaia-X is focused on defining the specifications, standards and rules with which the infrastructures and services concerned are required to comply.

The initiative represents a central pillar supporting Luxembourg in its efforts to become a leader in the field of data and digital technologies.

The Ministry of the Economy represents the Government on the Governmental Advisory Board of the ASBL (non-profit association).

The MeluXina supercomputer

MeluXina, the national supercomputer, is one of the most powerful of its class in Europe. It is based on an innovative modular architecture and forms part of a large family of supercomputers linked throughout Europe in the EuroHPC European network.

It has been in operation since 2022, and is designed to process very large volumes of data and to perform complex calculations at high speed.

Its principal mission is to support the economic ecosystem in its digital transition, by providing the tools needed to make the power of high-performance computing accessible to all stakeholders.

MeluXina helps to meet the need for optimisation in the fields of both technology and research (optimisation of cryptographic algorithms; advanced climate modelling or development of new materials).

Artificial intelligence strategy

The national artificial intelligence strategy is formulated in collaboration with the Ministry of State (SMC), the Ministry for Digitalisation, the Ministry of Research and Higher Education and the Ministry of the Economy.

That strategy includes the concept of "AI Factories", to be established by the Ministry of the Economy.

AI Factory

The aim of the "AI Factory" is to unite the ecosystem in the field of artificial intelligence. The key pillars of this initiative are the provision of a high-performance computing infrastructure, access to skills and expertise and to large volumes of data and AI models.

Quantum strategy

Quantum technologies constitute an emerging sector globally, at both the research level and the economic level, with the potential to bring about major changes having significant social and economic impacts.

The national quantum strategy of the future includes, in addition to the MeluXina-Q quantum computer initiative spearheaded by the Ministry of the Economy, quantum communication and post-quantum cryptography. It is aimed at putting in place concrete actions and initiatives with a view to developing a coherent national quantum ecosystem bringing together the public, private and academic sectors. This effort will help to sustainably strengthen Luxembourg's competitiveness in this cutting-edge area.

The MeluXina-Q quantum computer

The MeluXina-Q quantum computer will be hosted and managed as from 2026 by LuxProvide in Bissen, within the national competence centre of Luxembourg's MeluXina supercomputer. 

MeluXina-Q marks a major step forward, reinforcing Luxembourg's position as a leading player in the field of new-generation digital technologies.

This strategic investment is aimed at developing the skills and expertise needed in order to position the country as a key player in the era of quantum technology, with direct applications in essential areas such as cybersecurity and finance.

The quantum computer will be cofinanced by EuroHPC JU with a budget funded by the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) and contributions from Luxembourg.