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Economic Interest Groups
Various economic interest groups (EIG) fall within the competence of the Minister of the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism:
Agency for Standardisation and the Knowledge-based economy (ANEC)
The Agency for Standardisation and the Knowledge-based economy (ANEC, Agence pour la normalisation et l'économie de la connaissance) is an economic interest group (EIG) tasked with supporting theLuxembourg Institute of Standardisation, Accreditation, Safety and Quality of Products and Services (ILNAS, Institut luxembourgeois de la normalisation, de l'accréditation, de la sécurité et qualité des produits et services) in the implementation of its strategies in the fields of standardisation and metrology, as well as applied research with a view to bolstering the competitiveness of businesses in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and expanding the country's reservoir of socio-economic knowledge.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts
INCERT, an EIG set up in 2012, is a centre of expertise in the area of cryptography and travel documentation.
It provides products and services based on the knowledge and experience acquired in the fields of cryptography, PKI, e-travel documents, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. Incert represents Luxembourg on the international standardisation committees in the areas of information security.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by:
- the Ministry of the Economy
- the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade
- the Chamber of Commerce
Institute for Intellectual Property Luxembourg (IPIL)
The Institute for Intellectual Property Luxembourg (IPIL, Institut de la Propriété intellectuelle Luxembourg) is an EIG tasked with uniting national and international competences in matters of intellectual property (IP) and making them available for economic and institutional players so as to create a driver of growth for Luxembourg.
The aim is to foster the development of intellectual property so as to meet the needs of Luxembourg's economy.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by:
- the Ministry of the Economy
- the Ministry for Research and Higher Education
- the Ministry of Finance
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts
The Klima-Agence provides support to all actors in society committed to protecting the climate and working to achieve the energy transition.
The principal missions of the Klima-Agence EIG are as follows:
- acting on a daily basis to foster the implementation of Luxembourg's climate and energy policy, as defined by the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and attaining the ambitious national objectives concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energies and energy efficiency by 2030
- supporting all measures to improve the consumption and management of resources on a daily basis, whilst preserving Luxembourg's biodiversity
- helping private individuals, municipalities, professionals and institutions to succeed with their projects: housing insulation, construction, reducing energy consumption, technical installations powered by renewables, the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging terminals
- raising awareness of the issues involved
- providing personalised, independent and free advice
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity
- the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts
- the Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers
Luxembourg Convention Bureau
The Luxembourg Convention Bureau, an EIG set up towards the end of 2018, is tasked with developing the MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions) tourism sector in Luxembourg.
The Luxembourg Convention Bureau identifies and seeks out conferences and conventions that are of potential interest for Luxembourg, and coordinates the processing of applications from persons wishing to organise international conventions and conferences in Luxembourg.
Thus, it contributes to the success of the policy for promoting the Grand Duchy's economy, by attracting attention, know-how, partners and investors to priority sectors of economic development through professional events (conventions, conferences, corporate events, etc.).
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the City of Luxembourg
Luxembourg for Shopping
The Luxembourg for Shopping economic interest group (EIG) is tasked with designing, setting up and managing the online shopping platform, launched in September 2018. This enables Luxembourg's retailers to sell their products online. Luxembourg for Shopping provides help and advice to retailers throughout the time that they use the national e-commerce platform, and promotes that platform.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the Luxembourg Confederation
- the City of Luxembourg
- 17 municipalities
Luxembourg for Tourism
The Luxembourg for Tourism EIG is tasked with formulating, coordinating and promoting national tourism.
Luxembourg for Tourism facilitates and contributes to the development of the economic activities of its members, and helps with the implementation of public policies fostering tourism.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Regional tourism offices (ORT)
- the City of Luxembourg
- the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO)
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the transport sector (Luxair, Automobile Club du Luxembourg, CFL)
- the accommodation sector (Horesca, Camprilux, Luxembourg youth hostels)
Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity
The Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity (LHC) is an EIG providing expertise and in-depth solutions concerning cybersecurity to SMEs and businesses of all sizes, as well as to municipalities, in close collaboration with the actors involved in the CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg ecosystem.
For over twenty years now, the expertise of LHC (formerly known as SECURITYMADEIN.LU) has been structured around the following two centres:
- CIRCL (Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg), for the handling of incidents and the promotion of exchanges and information regarding cyber threats
- NC3 (National Cybersecurity Competence Centre), which organises its activities around the following three pillars:
- Fostering the development of capabilities and skills in the field of cybersecurity;
- Bringing together a solid industrial base in respect of cybersecurity;
- Contributing to excellence in research and technological development.
In particular, NC3 represents Luxembourg as its national cybersecurity coordination centre (National Coordination Center – NCC) within the European network, under the aegis of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC).
Members of the LHC:
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by:
- the Ministry of the Economy
- the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
- the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees
- SIGI (Inter-Municipal Association for ICT management)
- SYVICOL (Association of Luxembourg Towns and Municipalities)
Luxinnovation is the national agency for the promotion of innovation and research.
It contributes to Luxembourg's economic development by stimulating innovation, fostering international growth and attracting foreign investors to the Grand Duchy.
Luxinnovation is a key partner for all entrepreneurs, creators of start-ups and investors looking to launch innovative activities in Luxembourg.
Members of the EIG:
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by:
- the Ministry of the Economy
- the Ministry for Research and Higher Education
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts
Neobuild is an EIG acting as the point of reference in matters of technological and regulatory monitoring for the whole of the Luxembourg construction sector, helping that sector to keep up to date with the latest developments in its principal disciplines, which fall under two headings: sustainable construction (materials, circular construction, healthy buildings) and construction 4.0 (digitisation, automation, on-site assembly and installation techniques).
The EIG's principal missions are as follows:
- Observing and monitoring the market with regard to innovations, technologies and national and European regulations;
- Carrying out analyses and tests of innovative products, technologies and services;
- Disseminating amongst the sector all useful and relevant information concerning its tasks;
- Assisting and proving guidance to stakeholders seeking to develop an innovative product or service linked to construction;
- Forging potential partnerships in the interests of the sector.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Council for the Economic Development of the Construction Industry (CDEC)
- Neobuilding SA
National Observatory for SMEs
The National Observatory for SMEs (Observatoire national des PME) is an EIG set up in November 2020 to promote entrepreneurship.
It assists with the implementation of policies for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises and facilitates the implementation of different measures to create an effective policy framework for SMEs.
In particular, it contributes to the carrying-out of three major projects, namely:
- the management of the "Business Registry" (cadastre de commerce);
- the opening of new regional offices of the House of Entrepreneurship;
- the promotion of a national platform for business transfers (
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Chamber of Commerce
- the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts
Terra Matters
Terra Matters is an EIG set up to promote and provide guidance with regard to the transition to a circular economy including governance of the Product Circularity Data Sheet (PCDS).
Its principal missions are:
- promoting and providing guidance with regard to the transition of businesses to a circular economy,
- supporting the development and provision of the "Product Circularity Data Sheet" (PCDS) as a technical solution, and providing value added services associated with it,
- managing and promoting the ecosystem around the PCDS,
- collaborating in the formulation and development of industrial standards to provide reliable data concerning the circular characteristics of materials and products,
- collaborating with partners with a view to the development and application of the PCDS.
- the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Ministry of the Economy
- the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce