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Administrations and services
The Ministry of the Economy has 3 administrations under its authority:
- Luxembourg Maritime Administration
as well as 4 services:
- National Consumer Mediation Service
- LuxPCN
- National Productivity Board
Created in 2008, the Luxembourg Institute of Standardisation, Accreditation, Safety and Quality of Products and Services (ILNAS, Institut luxembourgeois de la normalisation, de l'accréditation, de la sécurité et qualité des produits et services) is a public administration that comes under the authority of the Ministry of the Economy.
ILNAS is a skills network that works to ensure competitiveness and consumer protection.
ILNAS's tasks can be grouped into 5 main fields, namely:
- Standards and standardisation (Luxembourg standardisation body – Organisme luxembourgeois de normalisation)
- Accreditation and notification (The Luxembourg office for accreditation and monitoring – Office luxembourgeois d'accréditation et de surveillance)
- Digital confidence & cyber security (Department of Digital Trust – Département de la confiance numérique)
- Market surveillance (Department of Market Surveillance – Département de la surveillance du marché)
- Metrology (The Luxembourg Office of Metrology – Bureau luxembourgeois de métrologie)
For more information see:
STATEC is Luxembourg's National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Luxembourg).
The administration produces statistics, studies and analyses and helps households, businesses and politicians to make appropriate decisions.
STATEC comes under the authority of the Ministry of the Economy and enjoys scientific and professional independence.
For more information see:
Luxembourg Maritime Administration
The Luxembourg Maritime Administration (CAM, Commissariat aux affaires maritimes) is the administration in charge of the Luxembourg public maritime register.
It acts as a service provider and surveillance authority for the maritime sector and fulfils its duties as defined in the Luxembourg Maritime Act of 1990.
Specifically, this includes the registration of vessels in the Luxembourg public maritime register as well as the technical and administrative follow-up of these vessels and crew management.
Furthermore, the Luxembourg Maritime Administration manages the pleasure boat register on the Minister's behalf.
For more information:
National Consumer Mediation Service
The National Consumer Mediation Service (Service national du médiateur de la consommation) is a qualified entity responsible for settling consumer disputes out of court.
It was created under the authority of the Ministry of the Economy in 2016. In order to guarantee the neutrality and impartiality of the Consumer Mediator, this is an independent service.
The service provides a mediation service for Luxembourgish and European consumers and Luxembourg businesses, and, where necessary, conciliation to reach an amicable solution.
For more information see:
SOLVIT Luxembourg is a free public service aimed at citizens and businesses that wish to find an amicable resolution for problems associated with the incorrect application of European legislation by the public administration of another EU Member State.
In Luxembourg, the national SOLVIT centre, which is part of a European network of SOLVIT centres, is attached to the Ministry of the Economy.
For more information see:
LuxPCN is the OECD's National contact point for responsible business conduct in Luxembourg.
LuxPCN is tasked with encouraging multinational businesses to adopt the OECD's guiding principles for responsible business conduct (Guiding principles of the OECD) and for helping to resolve any issues raised by putting the Guiding Principles into practice when dealing with complaints made to the PCN.
LuxPCN is based within the Ministry of the Economy and managed and coordinated from there.
For more information see:
National Productivity Board
The National Productivity Board (CNP, Conseil national de la productivité) is the result of a European initiative. Created in 2018 within the Ministry of the Economy, the CNP is responsible for analysing any developments made and policies implemented in the area of productivity and competitiveness.
To benefit from existing knowledge and experience, the National Productivity Board relies on 3 existing national bodies to fulfil its missions, namely:
- The Ministry of the Economy's Observatory for Competitiveness (ODC, Observatoire de la compétitivité),
- the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and
- the Economic and Social Council (CES, Conseil économique et social).
The National Productivity Board is responsible for monitoring developments in the field of productivity, taking into account national characteristics and aspects related to the EU.
It is called on to carry out a diagnosis and analysis of productivity in Luxembourg based on transparent and comparable indicators. The range of work encompasses productivity in the broadest sense, including cost and non-cost-related factors, long-term determinants of productivity and the associated economic, social and environmental challenges and issues.
The National Productivity Board draws up an annual report which is submitted to the Economic and Social Council for an opinion. This report is published along with the corresponding opinion, and both are notified to the European Commission.
The National Productivity Board benefits from functional autonomy which enables it to conduct its work in an objective, neutral and fully independent manner with regard to the analyses and their content.
For more information see:
- Grand-ducal Decree of 23 September 2018 on the creation of a National Productivity Board in Luxembourg.
- Ministerial Decree of 11 December 2023 on the creation of a National Productivity Board in Luxembourg
- Ministerial Decree of 18 December 2023 nominating the members of the National Productivity Board in Luxembourg
- European Commission page dedicated to the CNP (in English)
- CNP - Annual report 2022-2023
- The latest news on the National Productivity Board