Luxembourg Stratégie (2020-2024)

In 2020, the Ministry of the Economy set up Luxembourg Stratégie, a department responsible for strategic foresight.

Luxembourg Stratégie has produced foresight studies (études prospectives or Zukunftsstudien) for economic strategies, in particular by the participatory development of transition scenarios of the Luxembourg economy for 2050.

The aim was to facilitate coherence between the Ministry of the Economy's sectoral strategies and with those of the other ministries that affect the economy, with a view to contributing to the country's economic transformation to become more competitive and resilient in the coming decades.

Luxembourg Stratégie focused on continuity, thereby extending the prospective and collaborative approach initiated in 2016 with the long-term strategic study on the Third Industrial Revolution ('The Rifkin process' or 'TIR2050').

Since 2024, the foresight mission has been carried out by the Ministry of the Economy's General Directorate "Economic Affairs, Competitiveness and Foresight" (Direction Générale "Affaires économiques, compétitivité et prospective").

In this section, you will find information on the work conducted by Luxembourg Stratégie between 2020 and 2024: